Sunday 6 September 2015

I haven't blogged much. I need to do it more.

Next weekend will be Ironman Wales 2015. I have been a volunteer from the start. I may be disabled and it may be getting worse. A day out marshalling leaves me in so much pain for about a week, BUT I refuse to let this disability stop me from being a marshal. It will be a sad sad day when I have to stop.

So .....13th Sept. Ironman Wales. I love it. We direct cars across the road junction. We give them a route to get to where they are going. We make sure no one goes on the road where the cyclists are and we do it all with a SMILE. My son (and my carer - unpaid), does this with me. I am so grateful to him for doing so. He actually takes a day off work to do so. Books it as holiday.

We have every volunteer  T-shirt for each year. I keep them all.

And best of all.....we are there to give support to the participant cyclists. We cheer them, we encourage anybody watching to cheer as loud as they can.
What is so nice is when a cyclist takes the time as they fly past to give a thumbs up,high five, say thank you, or smile.
I have my camera and on IroƱman day I generally take about 1500 photos. Then after I sort through to find the best.
 I love it. It hurts but I love it.

These people that do the Ironman challenge are some truly fit and amazing people. I have so much admiration for their incredible fitness, stamina and sheer doggedness to continue through such a hard course and event.